Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Implementing E-government in Mongolia

What is an e-government? E stands for electronic. Simply to say, E-government is the adoption of any information communication technology1 by government (Hughes 2003, p. 182).  Successful e-government offers the potential for services that are designed for citizens‟ need, and available when and how they want them; lower taxes, as increased efficiency cuts the cost of government; more transparent ways of doing business with different arms of government; a two-way street of collaboration; a new level of accountability for both elected and unelected officials; and more open and responsive politics (Economist 2000). 
In  2000  the  Economist  announced  that  after  e-commerce  and  e-business  the  next  Internet revolution  would  be  e-government. Most  of  nations‟  government  around  the world  either developed and developing countries are taking part in this revolution. Recently, 1687 national government websites for the 198 nations were analyzed in the seventh Global E-Government Report 2 (West, D  2007), which means  that  almost  all  nations  around  the world  have  been making  attempts  to  transform  to  electronic  government.  Here  it  can  be  mentioned  that  a number  of  successful  practices  of  online  public  services  e.g.  In  the  United  Kingdom www.direct.gov.uk offers public services  in one place; a  taxpayer  is able  to get a  tax return online  by  visiting www.ato.gov.au  in Australia;  anyone who wants  to  join  discussion with higher officials of Whitehouse in the United States can go to „Ask the white house section‟ of www.whitehouse.gov.

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