Excel 2007 is a powerful spreadsheet program you can use to analyze, share, and manage information to help you make more informed decisions.
If you are needing a license for Excel 2007, please order a license for Excel 2010 and note in the order comments that you need Excel 2007. This will enable us to give you the appropriate installation code.
Media (install disks) and licenses are purchased separately. Many of our users order bulk licenses. By separating the license and the media, that allows the bulk users to only purchase one copy of the media with multiple licenses. If you do not already have an install CD, be sure to order that with your license. Unless it has been confirmed with our office that you have a legal license, media will not be sold without a license.
Price: $5.00
information source: USU Software Licensing
Гурван баавгай
Л.Толстой Нэг охин гэрээсээ гарч яваад ойд оржээ. Тэгээд ойд төөрч гэртээ
буцах замдаа эрээд олсонгүй явсаар ойд байгаа нэг жижиг гэрт хүрч иржээ.
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5 years ago
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