Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Grockit Learning Platform

Grockit is a social platform for learning that provides students with collaborative real-time study rooms and content aligned to K-12 curriculum and college entrance exams. With Grockit, schools can:
  • Quickly assess students' academic skill levels
  • Focus instruction on areas with the most need
  • Continuously adapt study plans to each student
Schools and educators use Grockit to deliver more individualized instruction, to extend learning outside of the classroom in ways that students want to learn, and to get detailed insights into each student's strengths and needs. The app is built on algorithms that adapt to each student’s skill level. Grockit’s constantly expanding item bank provides content ranging from middle school and high school Mathematics and English Language Arts to college entrance exams like the SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, and LSAT.

For each K-12 school and university that adds Grockit to their Google Apps domain through the end of 2010, students are granted free and unlimited access to Grockit’s premium features for 12 months, normally $99.99 per student. This includes thousands of items, hundreds of hours of video lessons and detailed expert explanations, all aligned to state and national standards.

Students with Google Apps can sign on to Grockit through their Google account to instantly join live online study groups with Grockit’s global community of students and expert instructors. Students’ Google Calendars will be synced with their Grockit study session schedule to make sure they never miss a session or stray from their study plan. Additionally, important documents such as the Grockit “Getting Started Guide” will be automatically downloaded into their Google Docs.

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